Our engineered systems and solutions dramatically improve cleanliness, reduce infections and increase safety in enclosed environments such as hospitals, schools, hotels and offices. Our engineered systems and solutions safe for people are environmentally sustainable.

The Hypochlorous Acid molecule is electrically neutral, while the cell walls of pathogen microorganisms are usually negative by nature. This makes it easier to penetrate cell walls and destroy vital cell components, effectively killing bacteria or pathogens from the inside.

Aquaox HOCl solutions passed the Boeing company’s intensive high-quality tests* for non-corrosion and material compatibility. Independent laboratory testing confirms that Aquaox HOCl solutions are non-hazardous, non-toxic and non- cytotoxic causing no irritation or allergic reactions.

EPA Approved
Aquaox Products are registered with Federal and State Environmental Protection Agencies. AQUAOX™ Disinfectant 525 is on EPA's List N for Use Against Sars-CoV-2. AQUAOX™ Disinfectant 525 is on EPA's List Q for Use Against Emerging Viral Pathogens.
The AQUAOX™ cleaning and disinfection process.
Environmental cleaning plays a key role in preventing the spread of contagious pathogens. However, many current cleaning and disinfecting practices negatively impact human health and the environment. The AQUAOX™ cleaning and disinfection process is a systematic method for environmental cleaning and disinfecting that aims at reducing harm to human health and the environment while improving the hygiene of a facilities environment.